Monday, September 26, 2011

COSA Educational Presenation at Veterans Museum October 13, 2011

The PA Veteran’s Museum in Media is hosting a free educational session on COSA services on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 10am. The Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA) is the Area Agency on Aging and is responsible for the planning and coordinating of programs and services for the older adults in Delaware County. COSA works with over seventy community agencies to provide services to seniors including senior centers, in-home services, adult day care, case management, transportation, legal assistance and much more.”, according to Marie Bonita, Civic Engagement & Community Education Coordinator. Marie A. Bonita is the coordinator of Community Education for the Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA). COSA is the Area Agency on Aging in Delaware County and provides services for Delaware County residents. Marie has held various positions within COSA starting in the Information and Referral Unit in 1991. She spent many years working in conjunction with county and state agencies to expand the agencies computer technology system. As the Community Education Coordinator Marie is responsible for educating the community and professional groups on aging services and programs. This is accomplished by participating in community health fairs, aging expos and meeting with community groups. Marie’s own personal experience as a caregiver as well as the professional relationships she has developed while working at COSA qualifies her with the personal and professional expertise to provide information about programs and services available to the senior citizens of Delaware County. Her presentation will cover such topics as access to transportation, home-delivered meals, employment and volunteer opportunities and in-home services.
The presentation and admission to the PA Veterans Museum is FREE. Light Refreshments will be served compliments of Comfort Keepers, Springfield, PA. The PA Veterans Museum is located in the Media Armory (below Trader Joe’s) 12 E. State Street, Media, PA 19063. To register for the event please call Melody McHugh at 610-324-7077 or email her at

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Boscov Granite Run Fall Campus Courses – Dealing with Dementia

Boscov Granite Run Fall Campus Courses – Dealing with Dementia
Are you struggling with a loved one who is suffering from memory impairment? If so, attend the free campus course Dealing with Dementia’s Challenging Behaviors: Practical Solutions on Monday, September 19, 2011 from 6pm to 7pm or during the day on Tuesday September 20, 2011 from 10am to 11am and Wednesday October 12, 2011 also 10am to 11am.
Campus Courses are free and taught by members of the community. The Practical Solutions for Dealing with Dementia class will be taught by Melody McHugh, M.A. of Comfort Keepers. Other classes include Elderlaw: What is it and why do I need to know about it? And Medicare Changes and Veteran’s Benefit Open Enrollment.
To find out the dates and times of the above classes or register for any of these free classes, please contact Boscov’s Granite Run at 610-565-6009 ext 1278. Classes only run from Sunday September 18, 2011 through the end of October so don’t wait register today!!