Our Conscientious Acts of Kindness Campaign will kick off with a Tea Party in October 2009. Our special guests will be members of the senior population in Delaware County who are invited to bring family members and friends. All groups in attendance must have a senior citizen (60+ years of age) as a member of their party. The Tea Party will act as an outreach program focused on connecting the generations, bringing awareness to senior issues and challenging the younger generations and the community at large to take a daily interest in those seniors whose lives cross paths with their own by making conscientious choices to assist seniors in their neighborhoods, in their communities and in their families with purposeful acts of kindness. For instance, bringing trash cans up from the curb on trash day, assisting in unloading a grocery cart at the grocery store, making sure their walkways are safe by shoveling their snow or raking leaves. Bring your daughters, sons and your seniors to the Tea Party on October 24, 2009 at Villanova Conference Center, Villanova, PA. To read more about ntbf, go to
http://www.ntbff.org/. To see more about Tea Party, go to website and click on events. Cost of Tea Party is $12 per person.
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