Monday, March 4, 2013

WOMENomics 7th Annual Event Media PA Financial Linkedin Topics discussion

SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2013 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. – Registration and coffee 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Program and Continental Breakfast TOWNE HOUSE 117 Veterans SquareMedia, PA 19063 Please join us as we celebrate our 7th WOMENomics® Forum Our purpose is to bring together women of all ages to help identify women’s economic issues and get practical, innovative ideas to improve quality of life. Keynote Speaker Helen Richardson, Ed.D “Career Consciousness-A New Way To Think About Work” Presenters Denise Romanelli, Director Sun East Federal Credit Union & Gina King, Assistant Manager Call Center “Take Back Your Money!” Breakout Sessions “Using Social Media For Networking and Job Search” Melody McHugh, Comfort Keepers “New Super Foods-Myths And Facts” Maria Guidera, MS, LDN, RD “Preventing Identity Theft And Protecting Your Money” Deb Cooper, Vice President of Education, Clarifi “What’s Your Communication Style?” Caren McCabe, MBA McCabe Business Services “Being Financially Prepared For The Unexpected” Kristin Hillsley, Financial Advisor, Janney “Take Back Your Money-Part 2” Denise Romanelli and Gina King Sponsored By FRIENDS OF THE DELAWARE COUNTY WOMEN’S COMMISSION, DELAWARE COUNTY BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB, DELAWARE COUNTY WOMEN’S COMMISSION, THE CENTER FOUNDATION, PATHWAYSPA, DELAWARE COUNTY COUNCIL, WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address Check Your Registration Status: ___ $25.00 General Registration ___ $20.00 I am a member of ____________________, a sponsoring organization of WOMENomics® ___ $10.00 I am a student There are a limited number of scholarships available ___ I wish to apply for a scholarship and return by March 6th with a check payable to: Friends of the Delaware County Women’s Commission Teresa A. Miller, 8 W. Front Street, Media, PA 19063 610-566-5035

1 comment:

Cameron VSJ said...


I came across your blog and really identified with a lot of your writing. My name is Cameron Von St. James and I was thrown into the role of caregiver when my wife, Heather was diagnosed with a very rare and deadly cancer called mesothelioma. It was just three months after the birth of our only child. We were initially told that she could have less than 15 months to live, but she was able to defy the odds and eventually beat the cancer. During her treatment, I had to learn quickly to be an effective caregiver, and there were many times when I became overwhelmed by the role. Together, we managed to fight through it.

I was wondering if you would allow me to write an article about my caregiving experience for your blog? I know that this cancer isn't necessarily the focus of your blog, but I think that caregivers for any sort of illness often face many of the same challenges, whether it be senior care, cancer care or anything else. I’ve been putting together a list of tips and suggestions that could be helpful to caregivers of any kind. Would you be interested in seeing this list and possibly sharing it on your blog? You’d be more than welcome to add any thoughts of your own as well, if you’d like. Please let me know if you’d be interested in collaborating on something like this.

Thanks so much, I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
