Comfort Keepers supports this organization and we hope you will too!
Not-To-Be Forgotten Foundation (ntbf) is a newly-formed nonprofit organization* which was created to acknowledge the struggles that older adults face in maintaining quality of life in their twilight years. Ntbf will strive to address those struggles one senior at a time by way of public awareness, education, fulfilling needs and granting wishes. Some needs may be simple – finding a local resource for delivery of meals – and some may be more complicated – repairing a roof that is financially out of the realm of the individual. Wishes may run the gamut as well from easy to complicated. Ntbf intends to work closely with community organizations, government agencies and businesses utilizing all resources available to meet its requests.
See their upcoming events! If you are interested in sponsorship contact: Amy Fenzel at amy@ntbff.org.
May 2, 2009
1st Annual NTBF Tea Party
Where: Villa Nova Conference CenterTime: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Why: What can I do today to help a Senior?Speaker: TBDTickets: $10Our Conscientious Acts of Kindness Campaign will kick off with a Tea Party during Older American’s Month on May 2, 2009. Our special guests will be members of the senior population in Delaware County who are invited to bring family members and friends. All groups in attendance must have a senior citizen as a member of their party. The Tea Party will act as an outreach program focused on connecting the generations, bringing awareness to senior issues and challenging the younger generations and the community at large to take a daily interest in those seniors whose lives cross paths with their own by making conscientious choices to assist seniors in their neighborhoods, in their communities and in their families with purposeful acts of kindness. For instance, bringing trash cans up from the curb on trash day, assisting in unloading a grocery cart at the grocery store, making sure their walkways are safe by shoveling their snow and/or raking their leaves
May 16, 2009'
PA'Ducky Derby
Where: Delaware Canal River - Philadelphia, PATime: TBD
Why: To raise funds for The Not-To-Be Forgotten FoundationIn the planning stages, ntbf is organizing a Duck Derby on May 16, 2009 as part of Delaware County Older American’s Month celebration. The Duck Derby and its related functions (a kick-off silent auction, duck adoptions, etc.) will act as ntbf’s primary fundraising activity for 2009. Individuals, organizations, companies and groups will be able to “adopt” a bright yellow rubber duck for $5 each. All adopted ducks will be tagged and dropped into the Delaware River at Governor Printz Park in Essington. Each derby duck will then race towards the finish line with a winning number attached to it. As a specified number of “adopted” ducks cross the finish line, they will be cross-referenced on a master list to their lucky “parents.” Prizes will be awarded to the winning ducks. In addition to the Duck Derby, ntbf will coordinate a day of family activities in Governor Printz Park on the day of the derby! For more info, go to http://www.ntbff.org/ or contact amy@ntbff.org
For more information on Comfort Keepers, go to our website at: http://www.comfortkeepers.com/ or call us at 610-543-6300. To see our award winning caregivers, click here: http://www.comfortkeepers.com/caregivers/437/jobopportunites.html
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