The marketing strategy is to try and convince a senior that having that machine is the answer to being placed in a facility. Well, I have news for that poor senior…the machine is not the answer. The answer to staying out of a facility is safety not a machine that calls for help if you push it.
And that is the key, remembering to push it. Any person who is well of mind and able to push the button will probably not end up in a long term care facility. Most people who have a well brain and their memory are intact can manage with physical impairments with some help in the house. Once in a while there is an exception and a person does require so much assistance that long term care is recommended but for the most part a person who can push the button can call for help.
If the person has memory impairment, the machine is of no use. The person forgets they are wearing the pendant and forgets how the machine works and will often take off the pendant and leave it on the counter.
Now there are other mechanisms that the senior does not have to push or to operate to get it to call for help. There are things like fall detectors that client can wear - about the size of a cell phone that will go off automatically if the client falls. It registers the jarring of the body against something and it goes off on its own and calls for help. A good example of this is when you sit in a recliner chair and you hit the button and the chair throws you back into a reclining position. If you were wearing the detector it would probably go off. It thinks you fell from the quick jerk of your body.
Other mechanisms such as wall mounted video cameras and motion detectors are fairly sophisticated and can do things like keep track via the internet whether your senior has risen and moved around in the home. The mechanism works much like a motion detector but only opposite. The motion detector say on a building has a light go off if someone walks by it alerting that someone is there. The motion detectors for seniors are opposite. If the senior does not go by one of them for a period of time say a half hour - you program in the time you want, the detector goes off and sends an alert via the e-mail system, phone, fax however you set it up that your loved one is not moving around.
There is so much technology out there to help keep your senior safe and at home. Again the most important thing is their safety. You can have all the gadgets in the world but if they don’t work when you need them to or do the job of keeping your senior safe, they are worthless and waste of money. For more information on technology available go to our website:
1 comment:
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Life alert
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